Monday, September 13, 2010

Brown Sugar

My brother recently stated something on his Facebook about eating brown sugar for breakfast, here's the story behind that.......
He has always had a sweet tooth, and still does. Well when he was younger, he would get up in the middle of the night, and while we were all still asleep, he would get into the drawer and grab a 1 cup measuring cup. He then would climb on top of the cupboards...walk the length of it to the door that hid the sugars (my mom would put it in the smaller cupboard above the stove, if I remember correctly), he then would get the brown sugar out and pack the cup he had got from earlier (brown sugar is very packy). He then would go back to his original point and climb back down, and eat/lick every grain of sugar from that cup. This was a very common occurrence for him.
This is one of 100's of stories about my siblings I will share. I'm not going to use any names, but most that read this will know who I am referring to.

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