Monday, March 28, 2011

Long relationships and sacrifices.

Today is my parents 42nd wedding anniversary. That's an eternity now days. The sanctity of marriage or relationships in general is in the shitter in this generation. My parents literally went thru everything...feast and famine, little or no money, heartbreak, four, opinionated, stubborn, kids,even lived in three different states. They did what they had to do. My dad ALWAYS worked...usually at least 2-3 jobs, but we always ate, even if we had to get free food from a church. But one can assume that when the sun went down at night, they could honestly say that they did it...everything that they could do, and had to do. I don't remember alot of times where my parents went on dates...just the two of was always about us, and working, but some how, and some way...they held it together and survived.
I got alot from my parents..musical influences, advice, freedom to be the person I needed to be, sometimes a good tongue lashing, but maybe what I got the most was....the chance to see and learn that with alot of sacrifices, hard work, devotion, and love....anything is fucking possible in this grand and glorious world.

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